Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Every now and then I get an opportunity to get a peak into a new sub-culture of America. Like when my son was playing high school football. Wow, what a lesson that was! Football Mom's are NOTHING like soccer mom's, not to mention football "Dad's". Ok, but that was nothing next to Cheerleader "Mom's", that one was one for the books. A whole new world that I really had forgotten even existed. Kind of like venturing into beauty pagents. Worlds that exist within their own realm.

So, my newest peak is into the world of dog breeding. I know there are many people that think that is just sick and wrong. You should only choose pound dogs. However, I really wanted a small dog that was guaanteed NOT to shed, ever.

Then, the thought occured to me that it was be really awesome, in so many ways, to let this little dog of mine have a darling litter of puppies. So, now I'm learning to not cringe everytime someone say's the word "Bitch" or I see it written in a contract. She's really not one at all, she's a very sweet tempered little thing. However, this is business. "Not like they're ever going to meet in the wild, Mam." So, with everything checked off my list of why to do it and why not, we've decided to try for a healthy litter. I still have a lot to read.

I did find her "Stud" and he is a darling guy, but he wasted no time in getting to "know" her. She looked at me like, I was suppose to save her. I know, I'm putting human qualities onto an animal, but it's the mother in me. I've learned what a "tie" is ~ if you don't, really, don't bother to look that one up.

So, if all goes well, we will have some puppies soon, and hopefully healthy and an uncomplicated "whelping". Man, the jargon of every business!



Shannan said...

Whelping? Seriously??? Poor Gigi! But I bet those puppies will sure be cute. This is a great blog Tami. I went back and read everything you've written. What a fun way to stay in touch. Keep it know...when you can schedule it in:!


Hey, you are learning a new language! :) Dog breeding lingo!
You can say you are bilingual now!