Saturday, November 21, 2009

Life is exhausting

I haven't had time to do anything. Since I last wrote. I'm still not unpacked from our visit to NYC. I don't remember life being so incredibly hectic when I was younger. Have times changed that much?

What did mothers do all day? Oh wash by hand, kill the chicken, bleed it, pluck & clean it, cook it, roll out the homemade noodles just for chicken soup for dinner. Oh and beat the only rug to get the dirt out.

It seems to me that we would have so much more time. The soup is in the can, you can probably vacuum an entire 7 rooms for the time it took to drag out a rag rug and beat it properly. Laundry is done almost completely for you. So, what's the deal?

My children are having an old fashioned day today. They are riding bikes and helping me clean. I nixed the "screens" - anything with a screen is off-limits, unless they are calling me from their cell. Oh, yeah, cell phones. When my grandmother wanted me because I'd been gone all day playing, she'd go to the back yard and call or start calling neighbors to see where I was and they'd send me home and visa versa. Now, I have to worry if they're not home on time.

My friend and I would walk to town. It's a big deal for my children to walk up to the local grocer.

I have letters to write and a box to send to my son. I have work lessons and church lessons to pepare for. Oh, yes and Thanksgiving is Thursday. My husband will miss our dinner so it will be kind of weird to have so few people here. I'll still roast a turkey - don't love it, but it HAS to smell like Thanksgivng or it wouldn't be Thanksgiving. I tried it one year by roasting a beef roast. NOT the same!

Even bigger news, my cute little 4lb dog is due with 4-5 puppies. x-ray was inconclusive as to how many there were. It looked like 5 to me and the tech. Vet wouldn't commit. So, I have a whelping box that my dad made. I'm not sure she even likes it, so who knows if she'll use it. Then, will I know what to do? Will I know if I should take her to the vet because things aren't working right? That is my worry, that she will need me and I won't be able to help and we'll end up with a c-section. I don't want to jump the gun on that, but I don't want to risk her or puppies either. They'll be so darling. I'm not sure I'll be able to part with them. I'm obviously not a dog breeder, she's family, not a business.

Well that all being said, I need to get busy with my list of things to do today. It's so long, I get nauseated looking at it, prioritizing it was difficult, as was my decision to write this before. It's been much too long between posts, but no one reads it except for me and 1 other person. Good venting for me though, or a means of expression to the great void in the absence of a good listening ear.

Simplicity - is non existant, but i'm trying.

1 comment:


The more gadgets that are made to make life simple, the more complex it becomes. I have an idea on how to stress less about the list....
don't make one :) hee hee.....
Kidding, sort of!