Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spider nest the size of a gum ball!

Last night I looked above the door casing to my bedroom and noticed a white ball atop the casing the size of a gum ball.

Now, I don’t know what size of spider would make a nest sac that huge, but it freaked me out. I got the Raid and sprayed until it was dripping on to the carpet (paper towels now catching what I could). I watched, waited … nothing.

I decided that the Raid had to have done it’s job and an hour later, I took tissue and picked it up and quickly flushed it. I didn’t want to squeeze it, but it felt a bit “rubbery”. I wondered; does Raid do something to spider silk and make it rubbery?

I went to bed imagining a mad mother spider after me, or a thousand little babies walking on my ceiling and then dropping onto my bed. I tossed and turned and didn’t sleep well.

This morning, my 10 year old say’s; “so Mom, was the spider nest pink?” No, it was white, why? His reply; “I was catching gum in my mouth and one time I tossed it up, but it never came down.”


1 comment:

Shannan said...

Ha!! That is great. I literally got a creep up my back when I read this. I am terribly afraid of spiders and I would have sprayed it like crazy too. If it was gum that is just hilarious.
Hey, whatever happened to Ben Franklin? I am dying for some inspiration here. :)