Friday, October 16, 2009


It's a daily if not hourly battle to lose weight, for me. I joined Weight Watchers at the advise of a friend, she didn't have time to explain the program to me, which I wanted her to do. But, she just waved me off saying that she didn't have time. She was right because it's personalized. I love it. I have learned so many "tricks" and had some profound things said in meetings that really "clicked" in my brain.

So, now 27 lb's later, I'm feeling much better. I am happy to say that I can eat my own food and found what works well for me, which I would not have been able to do without them. Never guessed it would be like this. It's much different than what I thought it would be. I don't buy their food, although I could, anyway, just thought I'd let myself know since I'm the only one that reads this :)

So, another day of success and I feel good going to bed not hungry and also knowing that I ate well today, healthy and less calories than I burned ... yay, today will be fruitful!

Sometimes there is fun stuff to write about!