Friday, March 5, 2010

Reality - Weight Watching goes up

I've realized that when my husband is home, I tend to gain weight. Why do you suppose that is?
I have my theories on it. I also know what some of the problems are. I've now posted a not to buy list, but that didn't help so, I think I will never let him go to the store, even for milk, he usually buys something that he knows I love. What a sweetie ...

So, as I manage weight, I'm open for any hints or things that work for others.

Now, about "being real".

It's good to be real. The people that only write about rosy lives and perfection drive me nuts. Mostly, because, I know they're leaving a LOT of things out and they're not being honest. We love to write the accomplishments of our children, but when the tone is that of perfection, it just doesn't fly.

Don't get me wrong, I love to hear about positive things and good choices. It's when everything just sounds all too perfect that you know, it's not.

How about this one, it's typical in management of all sorts. All is well in my department. Why, if it's not? Good management, speaks up, they get adivce, they try new strategies, they make changes. If you make a mistake, it's okay, just own it before it becomes a disaster or very sad failure.

When I say management of all sorts, I mean, Work Managers, Home managers, Church Managers, ALL sorts of Managers!

We all need help now and then to keep all of the plates spinning too. And, by the way, so what if one breaks - there's glue. You just do the best you can.

I've also learned that you don't have to look very far, to be very happy with your own problems. I finally counted my blessings and wrote them down, I read them when I don't feel like I'm accomplishing enough. They make me feel better. So, one thing at at time, I'll look for help in Weight Management and search for advice from the cyber universe.

So,be the best manager you can be, be honest with your work force (children, friends etc..), transparancy is always the best policy - better than honesty, because by not saying something, it's still dishonest.

Just sayin'...


Shannan said...

Great post Tami. I think the weight gain thing when Jon is home is attributed to the fact that you are married to a Hansen. Shelley says she does better when Ron is gone as well. Bet when my husband is home I tend to eat smaller healthier meals and not as many treats because he eats that way. When I am alone..I am free to be my true Hansen self with no one there to judge me and I eat treats all night long. No joke. We just love candy and love to show our love with food! And we are paying the price for sure. I am proud and envious of your amazing self control and your choices! Keep up the good have more influence than you think! :)


Hallellujia! We need a "Just Sayin'" club that honest, open minded, REAL people can join. :) No "pretenders". Real. I love your blog.