Friday, August 14, 2009

Children Become Obnoxious So You WANT Them to Fly the Nest!

I did find that a positive attitude can help you find those silver linings. I actually had someone say, "Thank you for putting a positive spin on that, it makes me feel better". It really was a silver lining I saw but, when you're the one in the situation, you're so close, that silver linings are hard to see. So, that was nice and I honestly think things will work out.

I have so many people that I know (some well, most not), that are just struggling in their lives in some way. Not just the financial stuff that is all over the news, but other difficult situations too. Most heart tearing are the problems with children. You would do anything to teach them, anything to help them make their choices wise. The problem is that they don't want the advice and honestly think they don't need it.

Children are the best thing on the planet and they can sure break your heart, usually by breaking their own. To let them be free to choose, to not try to take over their free agency is so difficult - you just want to say, hey, I know something about this and I've had experience here, so this is what you do....

I remember being there though ;) I was really the smartest 16 year old that ever lived. I figured out though, at about 21, that I actually wasn't. Wow, what a disappointment! I wish I were that smart now!

Today, my 20 year old son that is really very excited about going on a mission, decided to shoot my 8 year-old point blank (through his pants) on his leg with an airsoft gun. (if you don't know what those are, they're little plastic beebies and they'll sting, not anything like real beebies or paint balls). Then just to get my goat, he puts the toy poodle in the refrigerator and shuts the door. (she was in for about 15 seconds) but the point. Dog in the fridge - #1 gross and #2 scary for the dog! it's dark and cold. He just thought he was so funny. He likes the dog, just wanted to bug me.

He needs to go...

The sole reason boy's get on your nerves beginning at 18 is so that you actually want them to leave. All of a sudden 2 years is soundling like a nice round number, just enough time. It's perfect! If anyone would have asked that when I only had a sweet 16 year-old so excited to drive or go to their first dance, I'd never have guessed that I would really be happy when it was time for them to leave the nest. 2 years does sound like a long time, it's also going to be a time of peace, I'll know that he is where he is suppose to be, doing what he should and growning emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and even physically.

I'm excited for him! So is our dog Gigi :)

1 comment:


I know EXACTLY how you feel!!!! :) You're right. God puts in the obnoxious gene to start working when it's time for them to leave....or else they'd never leave and get jobs and get their own families.....I know how you feel :)