Monday, August 3, 2009

"Seeing People"

I like to think that I try to be "nice". I know though, that often time's, I'm opinionated and a bit brash :)
One of my neighbors is one of those people that are always thinking of the feelings of others (like my husband does).
She notices when new people are there and makes a point to talk to them, she makes an effort to include people and really listen when they talk. I wish I were more like her and "noticed and saw" the need. I'm often overwhelmed with my own world.
Anyway, she saw a need, so we are having a bridal shower for a girl of a family that is new in the neighborhood. I'm so happy to help, but I didn't "see" the need. I'm hoping I get better.
By the way being happy and positive were very easy for me last week, it wasn't a fair trial. I had one day to pack and then left for NYC to see Jon (positive) the flight crew was most helpful (nice), no bags were lost and we were really nice to a driver that couldn't find out hotel. So, I'll try to post more silver linings.

1 comment:


Silver linings are all around, we just have to look. :) I bury my head in the sand sometimes so that I don't "see" those silver linings :)
I am blessed though, and I know it's better to be happy than to be a sour puss all the time.
I enjoy reading about how you feel....I can relate :)