Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rhyme and Reason

These so far have had no common thread. Just whatever happens to be on my mind.
My day's though have no rhyme or reason to them either, they are haphazard and I feel like I run from place to place, fight fires and try to be where I'm suppose to be on time and also prepared. Then you arrive home and find 7 boy's all having a great time, laughing and things are good, you just look around and decide that the kitchen really can wait until morning, because it's bound to get worse anyway.

So, I went to my room and tried to go to sleep, until I'm wakened by giggling girls. ok.... where did these come from? At least they stayed in the living room, until they left; good girls.

So, today, yard work, mostly weeding. Going with a friend to an art show show that SHE could buy some art. Home to the messy kitchen, but all is quiet now. Company is gone and quiet reigns. I love Lego's, the sound of boy's digging through them looking for pieces, the quiet, the discovery, so much of the opposite of video gaming.

So, there you have it, an entire "blog" with no rhyme nor reason.

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