Monday, July 20, 2009

Everywhere I look there is a huge "something" to do; yard, weeds, property needs finished, clothing - overwhelming in every area, dishes, bills, work, etc... I feel like everything and everyone needs attention, I need one of those "time turner" thingy's from the Harry Potter series, or a real working magic wand.

What if, just "if", I didn't do anything? Eventually, I think someone or maybe it would take a few people to "move me". Sitting in a rocking chair, locked in a room with bars on the windows, doesn't reeeeaaally sound all that bad.

1 comment:


I know.....3 meals , a bed....TV privilidges, free education, free medical.....I think it's called JAIL :) Nothing stays done.
Everything we do gets undone. It's royally frustrating. I know......somedays we want to stop, but then things pile up, start to smell and we give in. Argh.