Monday, July 27, 2009

Perpetually Pessimistic People

are Poison. I think I made that up. Never-the-less, they're no fun to talk to, no fun to be with and certainly poison your own attitude. I think they're best to avoid. It seems though that even the most positive person doesn't "rub off" on you as easily as the negative. I wonder why that is. What I find hard is that some of these perpetually pessimistic people are hard to avoid - like ... you're related to them, live next door or work with them. Then what do you do? I'm about to try a experiment. I am going to try to prepare with a positive attitude before I have to be with them and then I'll try to respond positively to everything they say, you know find the silver lining! So for one week, ok, until Thursday, I'll report. Maybe, I had better go into my room and lock the door until then! ha! Ok, here goes!